Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Your Baby Can Read?

I have seen the commercials for the longest time...at 9 months your baby will read. Your child will be able to read books like Charolett's Web by the age of 5. I actually even have a friend that purchased the program for her son. As I watched the infomercial (insomnia hit my house) I noticed that the start was nothing more than flashing a card to the child. They are not saying anything verbally but showing the skill visually. A card being held up reading nose then the child showing nose.
It's supposed to be this "innovative" techinique. Kids hear..then see then put it all together. My question is this. Ok so they can repeat what they are seeing/hearing. But are they "getting" what they are reading. In my reading class with Dan Rothermel at UNE we are talking about reading being more than just words on a page. Cool great a 5 year old can read a chapter book. But are they really understanding what it is saying?
Also...what about the "old" days (c'mon I'm not even 30 yet) when parent's or whoever was with the child would read to him/her? I walk in the door at my brother's house to my niece grabbing one of her books and coming over to me. My friend's daughter (who's grandma is a librarian) would rather I read to her because she interacts with me. To me that is the strongest way teach children to learn to read is to read to them.

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